After the lecture

Once a lecture has taken place, the bookings will close unless the booking end date has been overridden.

The procedures at this time are fairly long and need to be followed diligently.  It has been designed to allow checking at important steps, so is not the shortest possible, which would be less robust.  Open this page in a separate window, so you can follow these instructions. [Do that now]

Disabling the pop-up on the web site (if used)

  1. In the control panel, open Popup Maker>All popups.
  2. Start editing the Bookings open popup
  3. Delete the trigger “Time Delay / Auto Open”.  This stops the pop-up from triggering.  Do not delete the cookie – that will be used next year.
  4. Click on Update to save the page.

Removing non-attendees

Each year some people who have signed up do not attend.  They need to be removed from the record of who attended.

  1. Log on to mailChimp and in our mailing list view the group of this year’s attendees.
  2. Create a new group for year like ‘2023 booked but no show’
  3. For each non-attendee, find their entry and remove them from the group for the year attended and add to the no show group for that year.

Sending out the rquest for feedback

  1. Log on to mailChimp and in our mailing list.
  2. Replicate a previous request for feedback campaign and check it is right and links to the correct feedback page
  3. Send the email to this year’s group of attendees.

Adding the current lecture to the past lectures

The instructions that follow were developed when using classic WordPress.  The procedure is slightly different when using blocks.

  1. Open a recent past lecture in a separate window to act as a model and open it in edit mode and in visual view.
  2. Create a new page and give it a title showing year, lecturer and title in the format of previous lecture records.
  3. In the Page Attributes panel, set the Parent to Past Lectures and the Order to the year the lecture was given.
  4. In a new tab/window, go to the lecture just past.  (By default the events list only shows future events, so if you locate via the backend you will need to change the filter to show past events.) Open this event in edit mode.
  5. The event record should no longer be found by search engines.  They should find the past lecture record instead.  So navigate to the Yoast SEO panel and in the Advanced tab change “Allow search engines to show this Event” to No.  Click on Update.
  6. Copy the lecture description to your clip board, including the avitar.  Do not copy irrelevant stuff at the bottom about the format of the day etc.
  7. Back on your new page, paste in the content and edit it so that it reads in the past tense and make any other adjustments needed.
  8. From your model past lecture window (opened in step 1), copy the horizontal line and the sibling short codes at the bottom and paste that into the bottom of the new page.
  9. If you wish you can preview the new page – it will appear in a new window, which you can close when done.
  10. Check the Yoast SEO panel and make sure the page has an appropriate key word and meta description.
  11. Publish the new page.
  12. Visit the site and navigate to Past Lectures.  You should see the new past lecture at the bottom of the list.
  13. Visit it to make sure all is well and that the link to the previous lecture is displayed at the foot.
  14. Follow that link to the previous lecture and check that it has links to its predecessor and the new latest lecture.
  15. Return to the lecture you have just added and copy its URL.
  16. Go to Dashboard>Appearance>Menus.
  17. Find the menu entry for the recent lecture (3rd entry) and open its custom link.
  18. Replace the link with the one for the new past lecture description you created above, making sure to use a relative address (omit the https bit and all until the first single /, which must be included.  Save.
  19. View the site and click on the menu tab for the just past lecture.  You should end up on the description you just created of the past lecture rather than the Event description of it as an event to come
  20. You need to ensure anyone trying to access this page gets redirected to the past lecture record.  Go back to the event page for the just-past lecture.  On the right is a Simple Redirect pane. Select Existing Page or Post and then select the page for the just-created past lecture record.  Update.  Now try to view the page.  You should end up on the past lecture record.

(Instructions re-written 20 Sept 2021 to use MailChimp.)

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