- Service the organising group: doodle, email, produce and send agendas
- Liaise with speaker over title, blurb, photo; suggestions for list of books for bookstall; lecture requirements, expenses and general arrangements (current year)
- Book speaker for following year
- Maintain website
- Look after finances: produce costings; arrange insurance, pay bills and expenses; receive, check and file bank statements; adjust PayPal parameters at start and end of early-bird period; transfer PayPal balances to bank; take payments on the day; do accounts and send to agreed person to review
- Review accounts
- Arrange and liaise with bookshop for bookstall at lecture, including co-ordination of list of suggested books
- Generate advance notice, announcement that bookings are open and reminder mailings to whole mailing-list
- Draft and send adverts, blurbs, cards
- Process bookings:
- Update database parameters
- Enter bookings info
- Send receipts
- Deal with payments where there are problems with PayPal
- Deal with refunds when people cancel their booking
- Produce list of dietary and other special requirements
- Produce list of attendees
- Produce and send joining instructions
- Produce labels for attendees on the day
- Produce CPD certificates
- Respond to general emails
- Venue and catering liaison (including parking; speaker’s needs; arrangement of rooms; equipment; confirmation of numbers; signage; flowers; on the day, check everything is in place)
- Check content of feedback form master; request attendees to complete form, receive and gather/analyse completed forms
- List what delegates need to be told on the day (fire alarms/exits, CPD forms, feedback form) and pass to Chair
- Co-ordinate purchase of appreciation for speaker and their payment on the day
- Supervise audio recording
- Arrange who will cover ‘registration’ on the day