The 2019 lecture will be given on Saturday 28th September by Jasenka Pregrad. Her working title is Surviving War Trauma.
In conditions of war, fundamental questions about trauma come into focus. Who becomes defined as ‘traumatised’? What do they need from other human beings around them who are also experiencing war conditions? What leads to ‘impairment’ and what leads to ‘creative adjustment and growth’? And what roles can therapists play – at the time and/or years later?
Jasenka is herself a war survivor and a helper in the Croatian war of 1991-98. She is a highly experienced Gestalt therapist and trainer in Croatia, where she heads the Gestalt Centar Homa. She also teaches and publishes internationally. Jasenka has written: “the war made me be expert on stress, trauma and recovery and provided me with four years of working experience in (the) non-governmental sector in the Society for Psychological Assistance.”
Book the date now. Further details will be announced in Spring 2019 and sent to those on our mailing list. You can join our list here.